Operations Weekend
The HUB Division is sponsoring an operations weekend open to all operators on May 3-4, 2025
You have a clear track ahead for a weekend of model railroad operations on multiple layouts joining operators from near and far.
- Operating sessions Friday, Saturday, Sunday
- Operate on N-scale, HO-scale, O-scale, Fn3 scale layouts
Registration Form
Please download the attached registration form and return it via mail to Rand Hoven.
Layout Descriptions
Valley Junction Railroad
HO Scale
By: Bruce Robinson
Sandown, NH
The VJRR is a point-to-point system running on a schedule with a fast clock, train instruction cards and waybills. Crew size is eight consisting of dispatcher, two yard masters, a branch line operator and four main line crews.
B & M Eastern Route
HO Scale
By: James VanBokkelen
South Hampton, H=NH
I use timetable and fast clock with operating signals, and mix freight operations with local and express passenger service.
Boston Docks and Rocks
O Scale
By: Scott Jewell
Ipswitch, MA
Boston Docks & Rocks is two different O scale switching layouts. The Docks is a two operator layout which is based on the Boston & Albany East Boston waterfront. The Rocks is a solo layout based on granite quarry operations based on my favorite quarries in Downeast Maine.
Albany & Susquehanna RR
N Scale
By: Rand Hoven
Tewksbury, MA
The D&H RR in upstate New York circa 1990. The layout is fully signaled. With main line jobs and local switching jobs. I use a unique car forwarding system that does not require good eyesight.